Coatings and Paints Additives

Chemart ­– CSPL together with our subsidiary company “CSPL (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd”., embarked into providing sterling services for distribution of functional additives for the superb protective coatings, paint and ink industries in the region. These products include anti-foaming, wetting, anti-setting, anti-sagging, dispersing agents, plasticizers, glass flakes, photo initiators, etc used to enhance performance efficiency and anticorrosion in the waterborne and other environmentally friendly coating systems. CSPL / CMSB have always placed special attentions and effort to strengthen our technical competence and service of surface chemistry to meet every customer’s requirements. Our in-depth view is now placed on these multi functional additives that can meet the challenges of high performance characteristics including significantly reduced surface tension, better dispersion of solid, improved substrate wetting and excellent anticorrosion.

Strong network of subsidiaries

CSPL Group has been the springboard for clients and business associates.

Strong network of subsidiaries

CSPL Group has been the springboard for clients and business associates.